Greening in VET – GRETA
To address the challenge in the green transition of the lack of technical skills, project GRETA was established to investigate one of the solutions: the role of TVET in greening skills.
Named after Greta Thunberg, project GRETA – Greening Responses to Excellence through Thematic Action – is being piloted by nineteen Centres of Vocational Excellence from eight countries in Europe, which are working with the European Training Foundation and the Danish Technological Institute.
Using participatory, peer-learning and knowledge-sharing techniques, GRETA will steer peer review groups in five key areas:
a) green strategies and management
b) curriculum and training programs
c) teacher training
d) collaboration with external stakeholders
e) sources for funding the green transition.
The Centres of Excellence will examine their performance in the following seven dimensions:
a) education-business collaboration and cooperation
b) pedagogy and professional development
c) autonomy, institutional improvement and resources
d) lifelong learning in VET
e) skills for smart specialization – mobilising innovation, ecosystems and SMEs
f) industry 4.0 and digitalization
g) supporting sustainable goals – Going Green.
The BILT project is implemented by
with support of
and sponsored by
UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
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