European countries have introduced measures to prepare TVET students for the transition to a digital and/or knowledge economy, but these require strengthening
Identification: 100% of European TVET stakeholders surveyed in 2020 who said that their country regularly conducts national skills forecasts also said that these forecasts pay explicit attention to the new skills required in a digital economy. However, a lower proportion (67%) said that their country’s forecasts pay attention to the new skills required in a knowledge economy. (UNESCO-UNEVOC 2020)
Integration: Most European countries have a national digital skills strategy in place. In addition, the European Union has developed frameworks for building the digital skills and competencies of learners, teachers and educational organizations: the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) and the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). (ETF 2018)
However, most countries’ national policies on digitalization in education do not cover the TVET sector. Thus, digital innovation in TVET has tended to be driven by individual TVET institutions or by individual teachers or teacher communities. (European Commission 2020)
Implementation: Use of digital technologies, including virtual learning environments, adaptive learning, immersive environments, mobile learning and flipped classrooms, are revolutionizing TVET delivery and strengthening TVET learners’ skills and competencies in the use of technologies for all areas of life. (European Commission 2020)
Nevertheless, data from the European Commission’s SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the Use of Innovative Educational technologies) tool suggests that, while most upper secondary VET teachers across Europe had integrated digital technologies into their teaching practices by the end of 2020, a sizeable proportion (estimated at one-third) had not. (OECD 2021)
Likewise, while nearly 60% of TVET providers in Europe and Central Asia had used online and/or other forms of distance learning for courses and training prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 40% had not. (ILO 2021)
Digitalization can make learning more flexible and enhance the quality, accessibility, and attractiveness of TVET
Key facts
4 out of 10
adults in the EU-27 lack basic digital skills
(European Commission 2022)
of jobs in the EU-27 require some degree of digital skills
(ETF 2018)
Only 1 in 6
ICT specialists and only 1 in 3 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates in the EU-27 are women
(European Commission 2022)
Only 60%
of the population in Central and Eastern Europe is connected to the internet, compared to 81% in Western Europe
(Alliance for Affordable Internet 2021)
Lack of relevant training and lack of employer support have been the main barriers to European TVET teachers'/trainers' acquisition of skills needed to capitalize on the power of digitalization to transform student learning
Strong policies and strategies on digitalization in TVET are needed to ensure that TVET teaching staff have the skills required to prepare learners for the future of work and of learning
The BILT project is implemented by
with support of
and sponsored by
UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
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