© UNESCO-UNEVOC/Charity Thebuho

New qualifications and competencies in Africa

To help African workers remain competitive in the face of rapid technological and climate change, TVET systems need to offer continuously updated qualifications and competencies.

Emerging new technologies and increasing global integration are causing structural change in Africa and highlighting the relative importance of certain industries – for example, information and communications technology (ICT)-based services and agro-processing – as engines for economic development. While job creation in these industries has been considerable, their contribution to economic growth and youth employment has been limited owing to skill gaps within African countries. (Brookings, 2020)

86% of African businesses surveyed in 2018 indicated that updating school and education curricula to match the economy’s needs would provide them with the skilled employees that they require. (IOE/ILO 2019)

Researchers at the University of Cape Town argue that, to boost competitiveness and to tackle high youth unemployment, African countries need to continuously assess labour skills requirements in high-growth sectors and then use these skills requirement profiles to identify and address skill gaps. (Brookings 2020)

Targeted education, training and support is also needed to connect marginalized groups, such as young people and women, to decent jobs in green sectors. (AfDB 2022)

“Africa must match today’s skills to tomorrow’s jobs.”

(GPE GeSCI 2019)

BILT survey respondents identified 'agriculture, forestry and fishing' as the main sector where new TVET qualifications and competencies are needed in Africa.

BILT survey respondents’ emphasis on agriculture, forestry and fishing is not surprising, given that more than one-half of Africa’s labour force works in that sector and that labour productivity in that sector is lower in Africa than in other world regions. (Our World in Data 2022)

Other sectors identified as presenting high demand for new TVET qualifications and competencies in Africa were construction, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and information and communication. (BILT scoping study of current TVET trends in Africa carried out in 2021)

The BILT project is implemented by

International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training

with support of

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

and sponsored by

Federal Ministry of Education and Reserve

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre

for Technical and Vocational Education and Training

UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1

53113 Bonn, Germany


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